MultishopsUK community is for our subscribing savvy shoppers, to come together and share their shopping experiences or just to have a general chin wag.
We all as a global national community must now help each other to navigate through these challenging times.
MultishopsUK was created because we wanted to build a shopping service for the busy everyday households and individuals alike. A UK based company that is focused on its communities, while allowing the opportunity for growth and employment within our regions.
We have lived through a situation that was unprecedented in modern history. As of that moment of great uncertainty and personal stress, we were also being asked to be apart from our families, friends and loved ones, physically.
That’s why here at MultishopsUK we felt it was only right for us to try and do our bit, no matter how small. And as they say, “…it’s the small things that matter”
That’s why, over the past year we here at MultishopsUK have been working tirelessly to accommodate you and do our bit for our nations communities as a lifestyle shopping company.
So, for the foreseeable future, we will be prioritising those within our community that are considered more vulnerable and more importantly our NHS staff & their families 👏😃
We just wanted to reach out to our MultishopsUK community and let you know that our thoughts are with all of you who have been impacted over the past year by the pandemic.