17 September 2020Published by MultishopsUK “…are you savvy?” 🤔The time has come to make shopping easy, reliable and personable. Visit us here at https://www.multishops.uk for further information.
16 September 2020Published by MultishopsUK Living in a new 🌍The times and world in which we live has changed forever. Over the past 6 months we as a country have endured challenges that we have […]
16 September 2020Published by MultishopsUK We’re not going to miss anyone…Please feel free to comment and make any suggestions that you feel we as a company can do to help those vulnerable and at risk of […]
18 March 2020Published by MultishopsUK Let us introduce ourselves…Welcome to MultishopsUK. “…bringing intelligence to home shopping” “…we are the fast foods delivery of home grocery shopping”